Lay Ministries
Most of the ministry roles in the Mass are filled by laypersons. We are always seeking more volunteers to fill these important roles. Ministers will manage their own assignments using Ministry Scheduler Pro, an online service. Initial assignments are made quarterly based on minister available entered into this system which also handles substitute requests in the case plans change.

Rosary Leaders
The Rosary is prayed as a group prior to all Masses. Come early and pray with us - more leaders are always welcome!

Ushers are the first and last faces visitors and parishioners see.

Readings from the Old and New Testaments, except the Gospel, may be read by members of the laity. Prayers of the Faithful are also read by our lectors on Sundays and Holy Days. Teens and adults are encouraged to volunteer.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
When there is a shortage of ordained clergy available to distribute Holy Communion in a reasonable amount of time, lay people are permitted, with the celebrant's consent, to assist in this important ministry. Contact Father Jenson if you wish to serve in this role.

Altar Servers
Men and boys who have received their First Holy Communion are encouraged to volunteer for this ministry.